Getting your pet's healthcare off on the right foot is critical, our Austin veterinarians provide guidance, advice, and the highest quality of kitten and puppy vet care.

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Puppy and Kitten Vet Care in Austin

Adding a rambunctious and cuddly new member of the family is an exciting time!

There is important work to do when you bring home a puppy or kitten; however, your pet's first year of life is also filled with serious health care requirements.

At Northwest Austin Veterinary Center you and your vet will work together to make a custom health care plan to meet your pet's specific needs during their first year.

Kitten & Puppy Care, Austin Kitten & Puppy Veterinarian

Your Pet’s First Appointment

Puppies should ideally have their first appointment around six weeks, while kittens should have theirs at around eight weeks.

During this visit, your pet receives a complete physical exam to assess its overall health, look for signs of congenital defects, and check for external parasites.

More About Physical Exams

We also administer deworming medications for roundworms and hookworms, and the first round of puppy or kitten vaccinations.

Finally, we perform a blood test on the kittens to check for feline leukemia as well as feline immunodeficiency virus.

More About Vaccines & Prevention

Scheduling Followup Appointments

Puppies and kittens should attend 3 to 4 veterinary appointments between the ages of 6 and 16 weeks. These visits allow our vets to assess your pet's overall health and to administer vaccines on schedule.

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